Friday, September 27, 2013

Unschooling: Unleashing Freedom

I think there are certain children who really need to learn independently, question authority, invent new ideas, argue, stand up for their own principles, develop their own philosophies and have control over their lives.  If you have kids like this then unschooling is an ideal option to nurture these children's souls and foster their well being.

The traditional concept of institutionalized learning that most children have to endure in school is torture for the creative, individualistic and divergent thinking child.  Not only does being in a typical classroom not enrich their minds and stifle their creativity, but it is also a long, arduous day stuck within the confines of an overstimulating social and physical environment with zero freedom of choice.  

What do children want and need?

Freedom. Free time to let their minds and bodies wander without an adult exerting rigid control over them. Kids need freedom to be creative and develop problem solving and critical thinking skills. Unschooling equals freedom in the true sense of the word. Every member of the family, regardless of age has autonomy. Excessive rules, structure and adult expectations are not imposed on the children.   It is an entirely different way of parenting and educating your children which is often misunderstood by those that subscribe to the lock-step orders of mainstream society.

School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is. When you are trying to disrupt the status quo then inevitably you will ruffle a couple of feathers. That seems to be the role I have taken on in order to enlighten some to an alternative educational reality. There are many approaches to education but within the American public school system all kids are educated alike despite the multitude of learning needs and differences.

The lack of flexibility within the classroom isn't my only problem, nor is overcrowding and teaching to the test, but it is rather, the idea that in order for kids to learn one must send their kids to a specific destination for a prescribed amount of time where the children must follow the rules and structure set by adults. The entire concept of learning in a box and within a one-size-fits-all time frame is what no longer resonates for me. Learning on your own terms just feels more palatable.  Children who have the freedom to develop and pursue their own passions, decide what they want to explore and how they want to delve into it is a liberating and exciting process which preserves a love of learning.  The outliers are the ones who can make a real difference in the world...we need to provide them with the freedom to think, learn, create and push boundaries.  It can be difficult at times to let go of conventional standards and trust in the unknown but the world is changing and our approach needs to change as well.

Just like the music business which was disrupted by the digital revolution, so too will higher education be disrupted by Massive Open Online Courses.  The future is being predicted now and those that are figuring it out are ahead of the game.

Follow Me on Social Media: 

FB: Amy Golden Harrington / Gifted Unschooling


Pinterest: Amy Golden Harrington 

Vine: Gifted Unschooling 

YouTube: Gifted Unschooling


  1. thank you! now if we could only get EVERYONE to hear the message *sigh* One size fits all is doing a HUGE disservice to our society. And the "in school kids" are even hearing about innovators and outliers like Martin Luther King or Thomas Edison or even Steve Jobs. What they heck?!?!

  2. I actually think this is true for almost every child and for "learning" in general!
